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When a Major OEM Needed Immediate Upgrades, Telamon Answered Fast

A longtime partner turned to Telamon to repair a service provider’s overloaded network.

A service provider’s network was experiencing an overloaded node. This node was built by an OEM, who is a longtime customer of Telamon. If there was an issue with any channels while it was in a crash state, it was impossible to make any changes to the associated nodes until the node controller was reset. While the service provider was running nearly 50 devices off one controller—operating within manufacturer specifications—the system was still crashing.

A Collaborative Solution

When the OEM contacted Telamon to ask for help in resolving this issue, we made it a priority. With a nearly decade long relationship, they saw the value in our work and the engineering excellence Telamon demonstrated in the past. While they could have chosen several other providers, they contacted Telamon—and we responded instantly to assist with the serious matter.

Telamon worked with engineering teams and technicians at both the OEM and service provider levels to find a solution that not only solved the problem, but left the service provider with an upgraded system that could handle an even higher load. The solution meant splitting each single node into five different nodes. This gave the service provider a growth path that didn’t exist before—as well as a node controller that wouldn’t crash.

This collaborative process took the minds from all three organizations to create the solution. Certain tasks required the technicians and planning engineers from the service provider while others depended on the engineers from the OEM guided action. And it required the know-how of Telamon’s engineers and technicians to do the work onsite, without interruption, and without error.

Fully Connected. Fully Efficient.

Through a collaborative effort, we were able to upgrade the node in two maintenance windows. With that determined effort, work could get back to optimal speed as quickly as possible.

5,000 ft. of Cat6 network cable run

Completed in 2 maintenance windows (12am - 6am)

Performed upgrade at 2 separate locations

A Big Job, in a Short Timespan

Telamon was contacted about the problem on a Friday. Our crew of technicians arrived the following Monday afternoon—beginning preparations to make the upgrades on Tuesday. This turnaround was tight because splitting a node is no easy task. The adjustments had to be made during maintenance windows to limit customer disruption and required Telamon technicians to run 5,000 feet—almost a mile—of Cat6 network cabling.

Telamon worked around the clock. During the day, our technicians trenched and ran cable while engineers worked through the logistics from a software application. The actual splits were made at night, during two separate maintenance windows.

After making the first upgrade successfully, the OEM and service provider asked Telamon to perform the same upgrade at a second location. The next upgrade happened to one of the largest nodes within the network, and included the largest office for the service provider. Not only did the Telamon team make these major upgrades and run all of the Cat6 cabling once, we did it twice.

The result of this work was three-fold. First, the node was no longer crashing. Second, it opened up even more capacity for more traffic on the service provider’s network. And finally, it created a growth path for the network—one that didn’t exist before this work was completed.